Sunday, 30 May 2010

Jikan and the Kappa King

An all new, three panel, newspaper style strip - exlusive to the blogspot - featuring the time travelling, demon hunting, Japanese warrior!
Let us know what you think and remember to come back next Monday for part two!


Van Dom said...

Cool little Locust-gremlin-thingies!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice idea and art Dave. Will tune in for the next episode deffo'.

When is Jikan 6 out?



Dave Candlish said...

Thanks guys. Fingers crossed, #6 should be out by the end of July!

Mark J. Howard said...

Nicely done. Looking forward to the next episodes, Jikan is a great concept and character.

matthew mclaughlin said...

Yeah, the great thing about Jikan is that he can be adapted to any kind of yarn - serious drama, action-adventure, horror and even comedy. Good stuff.